Remember when the ‘norm’ was long commute to the workplace, demanding bosses and ‘tools’ were limited to the systems provided by the company.  While this sounds very antiquated today, for many it was reality only a few years ago.  Over the past two decades society has changed more  than ever before. Thanks to advances in technology, science, engineering we tools to speed and enhance our work, flexibility to work when, where and how we see fit.

The paradigm has shifted. We are now out of the box, free to explore, act and collaborate  – empowered to co-create a great future.

So what holds people back?   When I work with companies which must innovate, transform and change business model, go to market approach, solution or culture, I often find resistance to change. As a Silicon Valley futurist, innovator and optimist, I see new approaches, tools and opportunities as great ways people can grow, experience and build better lives.

What Holds Us Back

However, I recognize that people must overcome common barriers to change:

Fear of the Unknown: The human brain is wired to perceive uncertainty as a threat. The amygdala, responsible for our fear responses, kicks in and puts up barriers to protect us from danger when change happens or we move into new situations.

Habitual Patterns: People and our brain’s habit center, ie  the basal ganglia loves routine. Breaking established habits requires significant effort and intentionality.  Even those ‘old patterns’ of driving to work, being in the office with oversight from the ‘boss’ and then driving home, was a habit that simply became implanted as ‘nomal’ or good for many people.

Comfort Zone: We AND our brain’s reward system crave the familiarity which develops from long-standing habits. Stepping outside the zone of comfort can be hard – even when we see the positive benefits of doing so.

Cognitive Dissonance: When new information conflicts with existing beliefs, our prefrontal cortex struggles to understand and compare it to ‘normal’.  Fear of the unknown and memories of past experiences or trauma can and often does cause additional blockages

Change is not an option

Change is no longer an option. To succeed today and in the future, we must recognize and intentionally overcome these through:

1. Setting your intention ie purpose… Where do you want to be in another year, decade ie the future?

2. Exploring different roles, markets, environments, approaches or technologies that can improve your experience and  accelerate achievement of your purpose

3. Trying something new each day or week – it could be small such as a later lunch or a new path home to get accustomed to being out of the comfort zone

4. Collaborating with clients, partners, team members others to compare perspectives, share failures and learnings and celebrate each small win.

5.  Empowering others to think differently, break the barriers to change and embrace the future

Succeed with PEACE

Through my work with Adobe, Microsoft, Rosch, Schneider Electric, I have developed a framework for successful change with PEACE.

Purpose Exploration Action Collaboration Empowerment

Are you or others in your company stuck in the old paradigm, uncertain about the future and falling behind?  If so, lets talk. Sometimes a simple conversation unlocks insights and inspiration to think differently.

All of my keynotes for leadership groups, boards, global conferences prepare people to take these steps through my proven framework for change with PEACE. Based on my experience, speaking style, stage presence and lasting results from my speaking engagements, I was recently awarded Best Technology Speaker and Best Positive Impact/Sustainability Speaker of ’24.

If you would like to know more or are planning an upcoming event for which you are seeking keynote speakers, send me a message here or